Top 20 EdTech CEOs of 2022

Leadership Traits

“I am a builder. As an entrepreneur and chief executive, I’ve been building businesses grounds up and taking them to the next level. At the same time, I devote myself to my two children.” Passionate and creative, Helen is focused on problem solving. “Thinking out of the box and being passionate about groundbreaking game changers made it possible for me to drive go-to-market strategies and deliver results to our users, employees, and investors.”

— Technology Innovators Magazine

My Work in AI and EdTech

In 2019, I was recruited to lead the go-to-market strategy at DMAI, Inc. an artificial intelligence company that has the mission to lift humanity with cognitive AI. I was relocated from the Bay Area to Los Angeles to lead the team of hundreds of AI engineers across the globe. To launch our EdTech products, we started fundraising. My strategy was to develop a holistic product plan that supports the growth of users from toddlers through K-12 and then higher ed, professional development till retirement. An AI platform for human journey that starts from the beginning of cognitive development.

To distinguish DMAI, Inc. from other AI companies, I led the team to publish our eBook, and produced corporate videos and exclusive interviews of distinguished AI and education experts. By doing so, we established the north star for the company while we started to develop and launch our first product, an edutainment device for toddlers as an AI driven preschool learning system.

When COVID-19 hit, the closing of our Series A got delayed. We applied for PPP funding that sustained our operations prior to when our Series A of US$75M came in.

At DMAI, Inc. I successfully launched our first product Animal Island Learning Adventure (AILA) Preschool Learning System, which was elected as the best tablet for toddlers in July 2021 by Popular Science. We sold hundreds of thousands of the product and received more than 4500 5-star reviews. Here are the videos of parents and children as our users, which show the impacts we made. During my speech in Cannes, France during the World AI Cannes Festival, I had tears in my eyes when DMAI won the inaugural Cannes Neurons Award.

My philosophy and approach
to my work: 

  • Develop a vision, winning strategy and consistent path - for every organization I have been part of, I developed a strategic vision for the stakeholders and executed plans to build the trajectory of growth. Without clarity and solidarity, an organization cannot effectively reach its objectives. Also everyone has to understand that any real success takes time; therefore, consistency and resilience would contribute to the organization’s growth and longevity. 

  • Be a builder - it’s so much easier to tear things down than to build things up. I am known as the builder to take organizations to the next level by connecting with the people and lead them to achieve great things. We can do well by doing good.   

  • Get people to do their jobs and hold them accountable - it’s always better for people to choose to do the right things instead of being just told what to do. As a leader, my job is to establish the value system for the organization so that everyone would go the extra mile and deliver the results. Without an A team, no organization can succeed in the long run. 

  • Think out of the box - as an innovator with experiences in different industries, I’ve been courageous, creative and strategic with problem solving. That sets me apart; and that’s the reason I have been able to build distinguished brands, raise funding and compete against tough competitors. 

The Journey

A track record of leadership and innovation in consumer packaged goods, consumer electronics, EdTech, IoT, digital media, SaaS and artificial intelligence industries.

Let’s Connect

I’m always looking for new opportunities to meet people and solve problems together. Get in touch.